What is gender gap index?

Gender gap index

The gender gap index is an index designed to measure equality based on the relative gaps between genders across four fundamental categories: economy, education, health, and politics. The details of the categories are as follows.


  - outcomes on salaries
  - participation levels to highly skilled employment


  - outcomes on access to basic and higher level education
  - the ratio of literacy rate


  - outcomes in life expectancy and sex ratio
  - the ratio of children born


  - the ratio of a diet member
  - the ratio of the minister
  - the ratio of incumbency over the last fifty years

A value equal to one indicates development equality between genders, while values further from one indicate less development equality between genders. The gender gap index is one of the most reliable data to know about the current situation related to gender inequality.

Thank you for reading.


World Economic Forum. (20 March 2021). Global Gender Gap Report 2021. Retrieved from

