Questions about gender inequality

There are many issues about gender inequality and we came up with 30 questions. We are thinking of answering the questions and looking deeply into this controversial topic.

  • What does gender inequality mean?

  • When did this term start to be used?

  • What are the main issues of gender inequality?

  • What is the current situation in the world?

  • What is the situation in Japan relating to gender inequality?

  • What area has gender inequality the most and the least?

  • What is the “gender gap index”?

  • Is there any relationship with the economy?

  • Is there enough education?

  • Why does inequality occur?

  • Does the media influence gender inequality?

  • Does religion influence gender inequality?

  • Why don't gender inequality problems get solved?

  • How many people are there who feel unequal?

  • Was the idea of the hierarchical relationship between men and women planted as a child?

  • What is “femininity” 「女性らしさ」? What is “masculinity”「男性らしさ」?

  • What do women feel unequal?

  • Is there any support for child-rearing and childbirth?

  • What is the current situation of women’s political participation?

  • Why are there only discounts for women in Japan? (ex) Ladies' day)

  • Why does Japan have women-only cars? How about the world?

  • Is there gender discrimination in schools?

  • Are there any differences in incomes and employment rates between men and women?

  • What is the difference between “equality” and “fairness”?

  • What are the cases (trials, etc.) that have become a problem or topic due to inequality?

  • Are there any organizations working on gender equality?

  • What can we do to reduce gender inequality?

  • Why is gender equality important?

  • How does gender inequality affect society?

  • What kind of stereotypes are there about gender?


  1. I've never thought about the questions on women's cars and discounts only for women. I found these very interesting.

  2. I think question 10 is very important. Before moving on to what we can do, I think it's important to know the cause of the problem.

  3. I sometimes use Ladie's day discounts so I am interested in question no 20.

  4. Many of your questions get at difficult, thorny questions that are hard to answer but important to consider, such as: "What is the difference between “equality” and “fairness”?" and "What is “femininity” 「女性らしさ」? What is “masculinity”「男性らしさ」?" I'm glad you didn't avoid the questions that have no easy, definite answers.


