Good websites and bad websites for our research

We found good and bad websites through researching our topic. There were differences and we saw some of the features of a good or bad website.

Good website
A good website contains up-to-date information, and easy navigation, supported by well-known or reliable people. We looked into two websites and the Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office’s website was reliable because it is an official government site. For example, the PDF on the Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office’s website had lots of data about it. The website "Equality now" was well designed and had menu bars so it was easy to find information that I wanted to look at. Although it contained individual stories, I thought it would be useful because we can access and know about different people's experiences.

「共同参画」2021年5月号 | 内閣府男女共同参画局. (n.d.). (c) Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office. Retrieved June 22, 2022, from

The Middle East and North Africa. (2021, November 12). Equality Now. Retrieved June 22, 2022, from

Bad website
Bad websites contain unreliable information, for example, one’s thoughts. Some websites get caught up with only one perspective. In addition to that, most of the bad websites are not informative. It hasn't been uploaded recently and the old data still remains. Also, there are some invalid URLs and too many advertisements.

Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality. (2022b, June 3). Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Retrieved June 22, 2022, from

つじもと清.美. (2022, May 31). 4. ジェンダー・男女平等編|つじもと清美が答える、みんなからの「これおかしくない?」. つじもと清美. Retrieved June 22, 2022, from

