What is the current situation in the world?

 I would like to look into the current situation where women and girls are in the world. I believe this is only just one way of looking at the topic of gender equality and there are many other problems occurring today.

According to a new global analysis of progress on gender equality and women’s rights, women have struggled with high job and livelihood losses, education disruptions, and increased burdens of unpaid care work. According to UNICEF’s global annual results report 2021, the percentage of adolescent girls aged 15-19 years, not in employment, education, or training was almost double that of boys in 2021. Also, there are increasing numbers of girls getting married, and taking on care responsibilities at home and they do not have the opportunity to return to learning. Women have been far more negatively impacted by unemployment rates than men have, and gender differences in unpaid care duties are still growing. These factors prevent women from accessing economic opportunities and negatively impact their mental health.

We can think that one of the causes is COVID-19 and the impact on the most vulnerable and poorest individuals has been severe. Severe weather and COVID-19 have all combined to deprive women and girls of even the most basic necessities, such as food security. The World Health Organization declared millions of people will continue to suffer if urgent action is not taken to reduce rising levels of poverty, hunger, and inequality, particularly in nations plagued by conflict and other severe forms of disaster.

Gender inequality relates to SDGs and there are specific facts and data to each of the global goals. For example, the first goal which is poverty says that globally, 1 in 5 girls under 15 are growing up in extreme poverty. Goal 4 which is quality education says that half of all refugee girls enrolled in secondary school before the pandemic will not return to school. Girls who attend closed schools lose out on opportunities and are more likely to experience assault, exploitation, and early marriage. From these facts, we can see that women and girls are in an unequal situation to men and boys.

I learned that women and girls are not treated equally through many different perspectives and the issues related to SDGs. I believe these issues can be solved are we can change the situation by supporting or treating people equally.


What does gender equality look like today? (2021, October 6). UN Women €“ Headquarters. https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2021/10/feature-what-does-gender-equality-look-like-today

(n.d.). https://www.unicef.org/media/122451/file/Global-annual-results-report-2021-gender.pdf


  1. Firstly, I really liked the fact that you focused on the current situation. I felt like when I was thinking about my blog, I was focused more on the future rather than now, however, if we don’t know the current situation, I found that the whole blog gets kind of hard to understand. I didn’t know that the number of women struggling for employment or training was so high. I thought the difference between men and women would be much smaller.

  2. It’s sad to know that even if gender equality is set as one of the goals for the SDGs, the corona virus made inequality worse. I found it surprising how young girls not in employment, education, or training was almost double that of boys. Yet of course, this is the world we are talking about, and different historical, religious, and cultural reasons must be affecting this outcome. I wonder how culture and history deeply affects inequality. Should we deny the culture of a country that has gender inequality even if they have historically been like this? Or are there some situations where we should accept gender inequality?


