What is the current situation in Japan?

 Gender inequality is still a serious problem in Japan. Japan's ranking in gender inequality is very low in the world.

    This is the ranking in the gender gap published by World Economic Forum on July 13th, 2022.

    Iceland ranks first out of 146 countries. Japan ranks 116th. It is the lowest score in G7.

    This is the detail of Japan's gender gap index. 

(The gender gap index is an index designed to measure equality based on the relative gaps between genders across four fundamental categories: economy, education, health, and politics. A value equal to one indicates development equality between genders, while values further from one indicate less development equality between genders. )

 Japan's rank in politics is 139th, the economy is 121st, health is 63rd and education is 1st. 

    In Japan, every child has to go to elementary school and junior high school. If you want, you can go to high school and university. So, school attendance rate and literacy rate are really high regardless of gender. Also, everyone can take medical treatment, so the gender gap in health is also less.
    Compared to that, the rank in politics and the economy is really low. Still now, the percentage of female managers and female politicians is really low. Only 15% of politicians and 12% of managers are female. In addition to that, a huge salary gap still remains between men and women. Women should have more chances to succeed in Japanese society.

Thank you for reading.


World economic forum. (13 July 2022). Global Gender Gap Report 2022. 

Global Gender Gap Report 2022 | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)

内閣府男女共同参画局 (July 2022). 「女性活躍・男女共同参画の現状と課題」

joseikatsuyaku_kadai.pdf (gender.go.jp)


  1. I wasn’t that surprised that the rank of Japan in politics was so low. Every single time I look at the TV, and the news is on, I feel like I only see male politicians. Despite this, I didn’t know that the percentage of managers in Japan was only twelve percent. There are many bad things going on in economics and politics, the education is so high. This made me think, because it means that there are many people that can take up jobs, don’t. I felt that this means that the potential for women is high, but there is still a long way to go.

  2. When I was in high school, I was interested in gender equality in politics, so I searched about it and I’m not surprised that still to this day, we rank 116. On news and television, there are only male politicians sleeping. I am glad that at least education rank is 1st since we are required to go to elementary and middle school and high school and university are optional. I think to have more opportunities for women in this society, we have a lot to work on. In the future, I hope to see an increase in women’s participation in the political and policy-making process and the promotion of positive action in the employment field.

  3. Really scary to see how low Japan ranks in a lot of the categories. Seeing as Japan markets itself like its a safe haven, or somewhere that beautiful, its kinda really yucky in the inside. The fact that Japan ranks the lowest in the G7 when it comes to the gender gap is quite frankly embarrassing. I would praise Japan for having the highest rank when it comes to education, but knowing how toxic the japanese education system can be sometimes, i kind of don't believe it. I really do hope things get better, because if things keep going like this, Japan won't be a place you would want to live in.


