What does gender inequality mean?


Hi, there! I would like to start answering the 30 questions and find out more about gender equality. I will start with an easy question and this will help me know about what gender inequality is.

The definition of gender inequality is the social process by which people are treated differently and disadvantageously, under similar circumstances, on the basis of gender.

There are many situations and I think anyone has a possibility to be a victim.

Girls and women suffer from the stereotypical gender norms and roles and there are more likely to have their freedom and mobility restricted. They experience a high level of violence and harassment and have fewer options in choosing how to live. They still face gender discrimination in education, child marriage and pregnancy, sexual violence and unrecognized domestic work.

However, boys and men also suffer too. The idea of what it means to be a man forces boys and men to act in limited ways which can harm them. The cycle of discrimination and inequality is strengthened by the harmful masculinities that are encouraged in males.

I have introduced what gender inequality means and I thought I would like to look further into what is happening now.

Gender equality is a fundamental right and I believe it is necessary for our future. Lessening the number of gender issues would lead to a world where women and men are treated equally.

Thank you for reading.

gender inequality. (2007). Oxford Reference. https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095846609#:%7E:text=Social%20process%20by%20which%20people,on%20the%20basis%20of%20gender.

Gender Discrimination Causes Inequality Between Girls and Boys Around the World. (2021, March 21). Save the Children. https://www.savethechildren.org/us/charity-stories/how-gender-discrimination-impacts-boys-and-girls

