Taking a survey

We are going to take a survey to gather people's thoughts about gender inequality. We used two different types of surveys, one is "Google Forms" and the other "MonkeySurvey".

Google Forms
The aim of this questionnaire is to know your knowledge about gender inequality and your personal experience. It consists of 8 quizzes about the gender gap in Japan and 7 questions about your experiences. 

This is the link to the google form.
If there are some questions that you don't want to answer, feel free to skip them.
We would appreciate it if you could answer these questions!


Monkey Survey

The purpose of taking this survey is to know what thoughts people have on the topic of gender inequality. I hope anyone who is interested or not interested in gender inequality would respond to this survey. It will take about 2-3 minutes. These are the 10 questions I came up with and would like an answer to.

1. What is your gender?
2. What is your age?
3. What is your nationality?
4. Where do you think gender inequality occurs?
5. Have you ever experienced gender inequality/gender discrimination?
6. If “yes”, where was it?
7. In Japan, women continue to make up two-thirds of “non-regular” (part-time and contract) employment positions which offer far less pay, job security, training, and benefits. And only 45% of women hold permanent employment contracts compared to 78% of men. How do you feel about this?
8. How often do you hear about gender-related new stories in the media?
9. What gestures or behaviors do you think can be described as “femininity”?
10. What actions do you think to describe “masculinity”?

The question that I would like to focus on is “Where do you think gender inequality occurs?”. I gave choices of 1.workplace 2.school 3.house 4.shops 5.all 6.not given above. From the answers, we would know which places people think gender inequality occurs and I thought we could use this data for making our NGO.

This is the link for SurveyMonkey. It would be helpful if you could answer it!

Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave a comment!

