Survey results

 We used two types of survey forms and we were able to get useful information from them. We will be summarizing our survey results about gender inequality. Also, we would like to thank all the respondents who participated in our surveys!!

Google Forms

【Quizzes about their knowledge 】
 For the first section, we gave quizzes about the knowledge of gender inequality.
Almost everyone have known that it is still difficult for women to succeed in Japanese society. 

フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: Where does Japan rank in the 156 countries in terms of gender gap?。回答数: 正解 22/51 件。

On the other hand, only 43.1% of respondents have known that Japan's rank in the gender gap is close to the bottom. The majority of them thought Japan's rank is higher. So, I think many Japanese might consider the current situation normal and gender inequality not so serious a problem but actually, Japan has to take more and more actions to solve the problem compared to the world.

   【Questions about personal experiences】

For the second section, we asked about their personal experience.

フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: If you have experienced gender inequality, when were you first aware of it?。回答数: 49 件の回答。

 About three-quarters of them have experienced gender inequality and most of them experienced it in their school life. 

For example, one of the man respondents experienced inequality, when he was thinking about his course after high school. His teacher said to him that "You will work for your whole life, so you have to choose university carefully." However, the same teacher said to the female student that "You have a choice not to work in the future." Other female respondents answered they were not allowed to be a leader of the cheering party or a sumo player because they are "girls."


フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: Does (or Did) your father do housework?。回答数: 49 件の回答。

フォームの回答のグラフ。質問のタイトル: According to the survey by Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, What percentage of men want their wife to do most or all of the house work?。回答数: 正解 5/51 件。

 Also, we could know many males are cooperating to eliminate the gender gap. According to the survey by the gender equality bureau cabinet office, only half of the males want their wives to do most or all of the housework. However, almost all of the respondents thought that majority of people want their waives to do most or all of the housework. It is kind of a stereotype. A lot of people experienced gender inequality regardless of gender. We have to think of gender inequality, not as a women's problem but as a human problem.


I would like to analyze some of the questions we took for SurveyMonkey. We found out that there was a wide range of people taking this survey. I feel that there are people who are interested in gender inequality and people who are not that much. We can think that gender-related news is familiar to us since nobody answered that they hear it once a year.

Answers to the question, “Have you ever experienced gender inequality/gender discrimination?” was useful information. I looked into individual responses and found out that 55.4% of females, 36.9% of males, and 2.7% of others said yes to the question and 75% of females and 25% of males answered no to the question. The ratio of males was higher than I imagined for the answer yes. We can interpret that not only women but also men experience gender discrimination and it is not just a woman’s problem. Also, I was surprised that not all women experience gender inequality. People who answered “Yes” to the question mostly answered that they experienced it at school. Men answered that they feel inequality in women-only cars and these may not be as serious as what women experience. However, I couldn’t find many answers from women who had heavy experiences. This question made me think that it is difficult to know when you have experienced gender inequality and I thought I should define what kind of experiences of gender inequality could be. 

We can see from the question, “Where do you think gender inequality occurs?”, most people answered gender inequality occurs in workplaces. We thought that this would be helpful information for making our NGO group. The next answer most people chose was “all” so we can see that gender inequality can occur almost anywhere and the workplace is just one place where it can happen.


  1. These is a superb report of the results of your survey. When intelligent questions are asked in a survey, the results are generally noteworthy and, sometimes, surprising. That was definitely the case with your survey. Your interpretation of the results is balanced, fair, and professional. You definitely should seriously consider writing a graduation thesis when you are in your 4th year because you have a talent for research, analysis, and academic writing.


