Reflection on final presentation

    Thank you for listening to our presentation! Here is some feedback we received. We would like to reflect on ways we can improve our presentation and NPO itself to make it better.

 Ways to improve our presentation

Question asked: Write a few ways that you think the presentation could have been improved?

〇Maybe if you speak a little more clearly.

〇I felt like it was kind of quiet.

〇louder voice?..

〇Maybe have more enthusiasm in your voice!

〇It was a good presentation, but I think they could show more about why their NGO is special.

〇Going deeper in terms of specific counseling examples since they can be case by case.

〇There could have been some more writing on some of the slides.

We could do better by speaking out louder and with more enthusiasm! We should have written more information on our slides so it would be easier for the audience to catch up with our explanation since there is a lot of information about our NPO. I thought showing words is important as well as images and it would be easier to understand since we would explain and the audience can read at the same time. 

Ways to improve our NPO

Questions asked: What advice would you give the presenter for tweaking the plan for the NPO to make it even better?

〇Maybe they could have more activities that are different from other groups.

〇I think to be more unique, they could do other activities other than counseling. But I did like the pen idea.

〇I think they could have recruited members through not just the website but by hosting events that would have both men and women. I think informing information in education is also good. So you can give a speech in school.

〇Probably more ways to recruit.

〇How would the network infrastructure work for the counseling system

〇media spread

〇It’d be fun if you made other products and not just the pen

The explanation for our activities in counseling was a little vague and we could have explained the activities in detail and case by case. I believe our activities would have lots of case-by-case situations and it would be difficult for us to correspond to all of them, however, we could have given some specific examples to make it easier to imagine what we will be doing. Our counseling system refers to our goal, a "Reliable place for the individuals". We will try to make a safe space for people who want to have advice or just want us to listen to their thoughts and experiences. We will be dealing with the people in different ways and we will prioritize the victim's thoughts. It is not always good to try to change and it will be hard work to be able to change or get over the problem, so we will be just standing next to them and just be a place where they can rely on. One example we can give is counseling on our website. We will have an area that would say "feel free to discuss" and they would be able to put their personal information such as their name, gender, and nationality. This would be optional so the minimum information we will need is just your email address so we can respond or give a sign that we have read your stories.

For recruiting members, I think hosting events is a good idea and it would be a good idea to host an event to get our NPO known and have a chance to let people know about gender inequality.

Thank you for the feedback! It was helpful and we hope to get more suggestions in the comments below. Thank you!

