Our NPO, Equal Treatment for all Genders

Equal Treatment for all Gender

Our Mission Statement

Making a society where everyone is accepted.


The main issue we will be dealing with is gender inequality in the workplace. The reason we chose to focus on the workplace is that the data from our survey showed that people think that gender inequality occurs mostly in the workplace. The situation in the workplace is unequal to genders such as men being forced to work hard compared to women, difficulty in the balance between work and childcare, and differences in the promotions where women receive less. ETG will be focusing on gender inequality in the workplace but also be giving support to schools as well. 

Our Goal

Reliable place for the individuals.
We will provide a safe space for people who are facing problems and it will be a place where individuals can discuss or just talk out their problems. It will be open to everyone and people can feel free from things they are feeling.

Inform the current situation to many people.
We would like to inform you that this issue isn't just a problem for women but also for men as well. Also, we would like to make people realize that our unconscious behaviors lead to gender discrimination.

Create a comfortable working environment.
We will make a safe and happy environment where all gender is equally treated and everybody can feel comfortable in the workplaces or schools.

What do we do?
 We do 4 activities.

    Everyone can apply for counseling from the website. Also, we put up posters with 

QR code on our website at school, and workplace. We advise personal concerns at home, school, and so on. We conduct counseling both face-to-face and online. Some people might feel uncomfortable talking about themself in person. So, we will anonymously use the Internet and email to ask about their personal experience.


    We interview victims and hear about their personal stories. We can hear about many episodes and learn what we can do to prevent some of the situations and what we can do to help the victims.

【Post information】

We use Social networking services to post information but we think many of the executives of a company rarely use Instagram and Twitter. So we'll use LINE and also put up posters in the company and school and tell about the specific problem and some people's personal experiences without being told their names.

    The purpose of this activity is to tell the current situation and make people realize that their unconscious action leads to gender-discriminatory behavior.

【Educational campaign】

    We tell the gender gap in Japan to elementary, junior high, and high school students.

In the future, they will have a big impact on society. So, we tell them "What is gender inequality?" "What happens in the world, in Japan?" "What kind of action leads to gender discrimination?" And let them have deep knowledge about gender inequality from an early age.

How the group is different

    ETG is different from other NGO groups in that we support all genders' lifestylesGender inequality is not a women's problem but a human's problem. We give the same chance to all people to talk about their concerns.

How it keeps itself running
It keeps itself running in two ways.

We are thinking of finding companies where we can work together and get our projects financed through crowdfunding.

Group with which it networks
We will be cooperating with Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office and we would like to exchange information we have to keep up-to-date and not spread incorrect information. This group is organized by the government so it will be useful for us to know what the government is going to do and we will be able to clarify what is need to be done to support all people.

We will be recruiting members through our website. We will be putting links on the social networking services we use such as Instagram, Twitter, and LINE. We thought that recruiting only from our website would be convenient because it would be easy to access since there is only one place for recruitment. We will be promoting our website through our posters as well and we would like you to look at our website before applying.

How it makes the media interested in its activities
We will be selling or giving original pens to people who have contributed to our group such as companies or schools that allowed us to put posters. Our pen will have the logo ETG in it and the reason why we would like to spread pens is that we can use pens in the workplaces and schools. It would be useful and we can spread the existence of ETG.
We will be advertising our NPO with our original poster! We will not be putting much information on the poster and just have a quote and the website link on the poster.

Join us!

    The problem of gender inequality affects our lives directly. We don't know when we will become a victim of it. So we must think of gender inequality as a personal problem and help each other!


  1. I really liked how you mentioned that you guys will be focusing on not only women, but men as well. You guys mentioned that men are forced to work harder than women. Maybe the inequality of the amount money paid to men and women differ because of this? I wonder if these two factors have any relevance to each other.
    I also really loved your idea of selling and handing out original pens! If you choose a really good pen or a unique one that might attract attention, then I believe a lot of people would be up for buying your pens!

  2. I like the systematic approach that your NGO takes to addressing the issue of gender inequality, from gathering information through interviews and counseling sessions to crafting possible solutions that arise from incidents of gender discrimination that your group's users report. Those solutions (or, at least, clear articulations of the problem) are then communicated to a wider group -- including to bosses or HR sections of companies -- through your education campaign. That's a sophisticated and comprehensive approach.

  3. I think this would be a great NGO. I really appreciate the fact that you also included men into this program. While its a fact that women suffer from sexism and inequality more than men, it was interesting to see that men too suffers from it. Giving a platform, or a safe space for them sound like a really good idea. i also like that you have counseling as one of your "what we do" lists. I think talking to someone is the biggest healing mechanism when it comes to mental health problems, so counseling is the way to go in my opinion.


